Why should I visit Aberdeen?
Aberdeen is a quiet town with a big heart. Close to Grays Harbor and the Pacific Ocean, Aberdeen is a great place for boaters and kayakers to stay.
Where is Aberdeen?
Aberdeen is located on the southwest corner of the Olympic Highway, WA 101. The town is an hour west of Olympia, Washington.
What sort of Services and Amenities does Aberdeen offer?
Aberdeen is small, but does have a number of grocery stores and hotels.
What can I do or see in Aberdeen?
Aberdeen Museum of History
The Aberdeen Museum of History features exhibits that highlight the early technologies used in Aberdeen’s history, including a blacksmith’s shop, a model T, and a locomotive.
- Location: 111 E 3rd St, Aberdeen, WA 98520
- Season/Hours:
March - October: Tuesday - Sat. 10am - 5pm, Closed Monday
November - February: Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sun. 12 noon - 4pm, Closed Monday - Phone: (360) 533-1976
Grays Harbor
Grays Harbor is a beautiful harbor featuring clear, sparkling waters. Beachcombers can enjoy sandy beaches, large seashells, and playful seals.